Amazingly simple weight loss tips for stay-at-home moms who work

In 2014, I became a stay-at-home mom. I soon discovered how difficult it was to lose weight as a mom. That is why I needed weight loss tips for stay-at-home moms. It was too expensive and impossible to go to the gym.

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I usually go to work, but that doesn’t stop me from going out on occasion. It’s still very different when you are at home than when you work from home.

It was much easier to lose weight while working in corporate America.

It can be more difficult to lose weight when you have little ones. You make meals and snacks every day for your children. I was bitten by the snack bug. I was a stay-at-home mom and ate all day with my children.

Another problem was my inability to eat healthy because I was tired and drained of energy. My children slept through the night from 18 months to 18 months.

After my son’s birth, I had lost 25 lbs. Here are my top weight loss tips for baby weight.

17 Weight loss tips and tricks for stay-at-home moms

1. Avocados are a great way to start your day

You can say what? Yup my mama friend. I’m not a doctor. This trick has made a big difference in my life.

This was something I learned from a friend on the natural path. Avocados are my favorite food. My day started with avocado toast and an egg. I had no desire to snack. I would often feel full even though it was lunchtime.

This Huff Post post explains why avocados are great for weight loss.

2. Margin in your day

Make time in your schedule to exercise. It’s easier said than done, I know. You will be able to stick to a routine every day, I promise. Every day, make time to do the same thing.

It will be much easier to exercise.

Here’s how to do it. You can start small and work your way up. This is called habit stacking.

Example: Monday Workout for 10 minutes. Try to do this 10 minutes per day, or 3 times per week.

You have 15 minutes to complete the following week. See if you can maintain the three days per week or add one day.

You will eventually reach the goal of a consistent schedule.

3. Get up earlier/Before your kids

I find it easy to get up at 5:30 every morning to make time for me. My mom brain isn’t on, and I am clearest. Sometimes, I find it difficult to switch off my mom brain after I’ve started my day with the children.

However, I feel more energized when I stand up in front of everyone.

4. Don’t Excuse Moms

N.E.M stands to No excuse moms. This group offers support for local workouts and is available worldwide.

I was motivated to do well after joining the group. After joining the group, I lost 25 pounds shortly after the birth my second son.

N.E.M. is a non-profit support community for women. It was created by moms for moms.

5. Get more water

This is not a new concept that I am aware of. This is a problem that many people still have to struggle with. It is vital that moms drink enough water. It is vital that you get enough water. !

You have to nurse kids and keep up with the coffee. Rehydrate is important.

Drinking enough water is good for your skin. We are not getting enough beauty sleep. Give your body water.

6. Get more movement in your day

You may find it difficult or impossible to exercise when your kids are present. It might be possible to increase your daily movement.

You can use your baby carrier to carry the baby while you do daily tasks. You can also take baby on a longer stroll with you, instead of using the stroller.

Walk every day

At least twice per day, get out. Start your day with a walk in the morning and end it with a walk in the evening. Bring the children along. Even a small thing like walking around the block once a week is better than none at all. It can even be mentally beneficial.

Speed Clean

Sometimes, I clean faster so I can keep my heart rate up. I prefer running up the stairs to place stuff away than walking. You can do it faster. These items are small, but powerful.

Use your stairs

You can do so many different things up the stairs without a stairmaster.

* Squat!

* Jump up, skipping the other

* Do lunges

* Run up, then run down

* You can carry weights, or the children up and down

Park time for exercise

Instead of watching your children, take them to the park. You can also use the monkey bars. You can run around with them. Get high.

7. Don’t snack after dinner

It’s a bummer, I know. Because I love to eat good snacks while the kids are asleep. We both know that we shouldn’t.

Snacking for the sake or snacking can lead to weight problems.

8. After dinner, go on daily family walks

Our family enjoys going on walks after dinner in the warmer months.

Walking after dinner can be a great way to bond and talk with your friends. It also has many health benefits. It aids in digestion and doubles your daily steps.

9. Preparing Meals

You might struggle to eat healthy when you are a stay-at-home mom. Meal prepping can make a big difference.

Preparing meals for the next meal can help reduce binging and bad eating habits.

I have experienced the consequences of eating poorly. Although I’m not perfect, I am honest. This is where I get lazy. I have my victories.

Having containers with sections was one of the best ways to meal plan. These glass containers are my favorite. Because I don’t like plastic containers for reheating food, and all the chemicals that they contain. They can even make food taste gross.

Planning meals helps you avoid feeling guilty at the end. It can also help you manage your finances.

This brings me to my next tip.

10. Revive Superfoods

Revive Superfoods was my first choice in 2020. I love Revive’s cups. I love their bowls.

You can make fresh ingredients in a cup or smoothie. Frozen delivered to your doorstep

Smoothies have helped me increase my vegetable intake in easy ways. It was also a chance to try vegetables I had never heard of, or would have purchased myself.

My third benefit was getting my children to drink smoothies. It’s a fun and easy way to increase their vegetables.

Use my code to receive 55% off your first Revive Superfoods box. This code can be used during checkout: VAN776240

11. Get your groove on

Turn up your happy hormones and enjoy your favorite music. Get down with your children and have fun.

If you enjoy dance cardio. This post will tell you about the best dance cardio channels.

12. Do commercial sprints

Get in a little exercise while watching TV. Watch your favorite TV programs while doing some exercise. You can do some jumping jacks or push-ups during commercial breaks.

Every step counts towards the goal! !

13. Use essential oils/Aromatherapy

Essential oils can help you lose weight. These oils can be used as natural substitutes for many things. It is a good idea to consult a natural pathologist before using essential oils. Do your research!

Here are some ways essential oils can help moms lose weight.

You should not drink coffee just for its caffeine benefits. A few drops of peppermint essential oils can provide a similar effect. However, this is without the caffeine addiction or calories.

Let’s just say that I love two spoons of sugar and lots of cream. I found alternatives that helped me get through the day.

These are just a few of the many ways essential oils can help:

* Lemon oil- reduces tension and energizes

* Sweet Orange oil- boost energy

* Plant Therapy Munchy Stop-help curb your food cravings

* Peppermint oil – Increase focus and reduce fatigue

* Rosemary- mood booster

* Cinnamon- Helps to energize and increase your metabolism

14. Drink Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar

Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar can make you feel fuller, which will help you eat less.

It is also believed to reduce belly fat.

15. Drink lemon water

Sometimes, we mistakenly believe we are hungry. However, it could be an indication that our bodies are dehydrated. Drinking lemon water every morning can help you lose weight. I love to add a freshly cut lemon to my water.

16. Join stroller strides/Fit For Mom classes near you

As a stay-at-home mom, one of the most important things you can do is to find support. This was an integral part of my weight loss journey.

My main group was No Excuse Moms. There may be a stroller step in your neighborhood that can assist.

Stroller strides, a “total-body fitness workout” for moms who have children in tow, is called “Total-Body Conditioning Workout”. They meet up for a 1 hour workout and can also meet up at specific times.

17. Every day, eat an apple

…”Eat an Apple a Day to Keep the Doctor Away Here’s how eating an apple can help you lose weight. Apples are good for you, but they can be unhealthy for us if we snack all day.

Apples can reduce snack cravings and the amount of junk food you eat. They make you feel fuller. They are high in fiber.

You CAN DO IT! !

It’s not easy, I know. It’s hard to sleep well. You can do it, I’m sure. You can give yourself grace, even if it is only two times per week, and celebrate your win.


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