Homemade foot cream, heel recovery cream recipe

8- Handmade foot cream with coconut oil and cocoa butter

ยฉ canvas


  • chocolate butter
  • Coconut oil
  • beeswax
  • almond oil
  •  lemon oil
  • ginger oil


  1. In a heavy bottomed stainless steel saucepan, combine 15g cocoa butter, coconut oil and beeswax and stir over low heat.
  2. Then add 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil and mix well with a spoon.
  3. Turn off the fire and let cool.
  4. Now just add a few drops of lemon oil and ginger oil to the mixture.
  5. Mix well and store in an airtight glass jar.
  6. Apply this foot cream to your feet before bed and put on a pair of cotton socks.

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