Home serum for the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes

8- Oil mixture for eyelashes and eyebrows

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  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • Several vitamin E oil tablets
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil or jojoba oil
  1. And, of course, the first thing you need to do is completely melt the coconut oil.
  2. When you have a completely clear and smooth liquid, add all the other ingredients and mix as best you can. This is actually the most important step: keep stirring until you see all the oils blend together, then do a few more swirls.
  3. You can store this oil anywhere, but it would be great if you had an old, empty mascara bottle. Wash it clean and use the magic wand to apply the formula to your lashes and brows.
  4. You can apply the serum before bed and also as a pre-coat for mascara and eyebrows when applying makeup!

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