Facial mask recipes that will make your skin glow



The combination of these three powders is incredibly effective in detoxifying the skin. The crushed powders have powerful healing properties and leave the skin soft and healthy. They have the ability to remove toxins from the skin, as well as renew themselves so that the skin does not dry out and does not peel off. 


  • ยผ cup bentonite clay powder
  • ยผ cup powdered activated charcoal
  • ยผ cup diatomaceous earth powder


These ingredients create a dry mix that can be stored and used over and over again. Mix all the powders together and store in an airtight bottle to keep fresh. To use, place a teaspoon in a small bowl and add a small amount of water. Blend with a small foundation brush until a paste forms, then apply all over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, nostrils and mouth. Leave on the skin for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with a dark cloth and warm water.

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