Effective home remedies for the natural elimination of varicose veins

12- Daisy


will need

  • 1 teaspoon chamomile herb
  • 1 cup of hot water

To do

  1. Put a teaspoon of chamomile herb in a glass of hot water and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Grate it and let it cool for a while.
  3. Soak a clean towel in this tea and gently wrap it around the leg ulcers.
  4. Let it sit overnight.

how often should you do this

  • You can do this once a day.

Why does this work?

Recent research has found that chamomile extract can facilitate the complete healing of open wounds. It has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation and swelling around leg ulcers while its antibacterial properties help fight and prevent infection.

These medications are the safest options for treating leg ulcers. You can also take precautions to prevent these ulcers from developing again. These are the ones discussed below.

Preventive Tips

  • watch your weight
  • lift your legs from time to time
  • Always wear compression stockings, except when sleeping.
  • Avoid standing or sitting on a road
  • Enjoy light exercise and go for a walk every day.
  • Check your blood sugar levels, as leg ulcers can be caused by diabetes.

If you follow these basic tips, you will be beneficial in the long run. Leg ulcers can become quite dreadful and serious if left untreated. Therefore, it is important to treat them in a timely manner to avoid complications. Below are some of the side effects that can occur when leg ulcers do not heal.

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