Homemade foot cream, heel recovery cream recipe

1- Homemade Foot Cream Recipe

ยฉ canvas


  • wax
  • mustard oil
  • Coconut oil
  • almond oil

How to get ready: 

Place a cup of wax in a shallow saucepan and set the burner to low heat. Let the wax melt. After melting, add 3 teaspoons each of mustard, coconut and almond oils. Mix all the ingredients so that everything is well mixed. Keep stirring until you feel all three oils have completely mixed into the wax. Turn off the fire and let cool. After cooling, it becomes smoother and creamier. Store it in a clean container.

How to use:     You can use this natural foot cream every evening to massage your heels and feet to make them softer and restore heels.

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